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Photo of Zheyuan at SRSB playing violin

Zheyuan was a client and supporter of SRSB who started using our services in 2019 when he began to pursue a Master’s degree at the University of Sheffield. 

He was born in southwestern Yunnan province, China with visual impairment caused by congenital retinitis pigmentosa.

Drawing on an ineffable love of music, the care of society, and the encouragement of teachers and family, he began formal study of the violin at age 13, embarking on a lifetime journey to seek his dreams in music.

In 2009, 18-year-old Zheyuan reached a personal milestone when he gave a solo violin performance at the Kunming Theater. The following year, he performed a solo set during the closing ceremony of the Asian Paralympic Games, and joined the China Disabled People’s Art Troupe, with which he has now performed in more than 20 countries across Asia, Europe and the Americas.

In 2014, he participated in a nationally televised CCTV violin competition, making it to the final six contestants. And in 2018, he was honoured by an audience at the world-famous Lincoln Center in New York, where he gave a stage performance. 

Zheyuan joined the SRSB Job Club in 2019 as he was eager to learn more about the job search process and has also enjoyed accessing the Equipment Centre for advice about assistive equipment.  

He has played for our clients at our Mappin Street Centre on two occasions, where he mesmerised his audience with his performance. He also very kindly agreed to perform at our 160th Anniversary Dinner in 2020.

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